Tuto du damtexconverter
Here is the folder I will use. In this folder, you will find the damtexconverter.exe, and the folder with the texture. The name of the folder with the texture should be the final name of the unit.
Now, we have to open a CMD window (dos window) :
First, it is easier to go in the right folder : (cd C:\Program Files\damtexconv)
Then, we can launch texconverter, the argument is the folder of the texture : (damtexconverter.exe t_26_mod_1933)
That 's all !
The result is in the T26 folder :
We can see that the result is not good. The font is not clear (transparent).
The alpha channel is not set at 0 (I think).
In this exemple, the file "unit_big.tga" is like this :
It should be like this : (no white font, but clear font)
And the final result (with only the file "unit_big" corrected) :
More precisions about the elementary textures :
You can try first with only 2 pictures in tga format.
First one, unit_big.tga, size 147x114
second one unit_small.tga, size around 84x65
If it works, you can add damage area.
If not, send me the results (battlefront forum or here)
At the begining, the big icon was down, left, but it should be up left.
Sometimes, the image is inverted...
Personally, I use photoshop (old version) in png format, then I use ddsconverter to convert pictures in tga format.